Join FCfF!
First Coast Fly Fishers (FCFF) is a family-oriented fly-fishing club, and our mission is to encourage and assist those who desire to learn more about the art of fly fishing through education and resources.
We also invite guest speakers from all over the state, speaking on a wide range of subjects related to fly fishing, such as conservation, hot fishing spots, techniques, and more to broaden the fly-fishing experience. Membership can lead to great fish and great friendships! We warmly welcome all new members.
- Membership costs $100 and includes all family members
- Please fill out membership application below
- Make checks payable to First Coast Fly Fishers via check or cash.
- Either mail your application to First Coast Fly Fishers Membership Chairman PO Box 16260 Jacksonville, FL 32245-6260 or…
- Guests are always welcome at our monthly meetings where you can complete a form and join.